Rádios Motorola Digitais
Os rádios Motorola Solutions digitais – MOTOTRBO – lançados pela Motorola Solutions em 2007, representam o futuro dos rádios profissionais. Gradualmente, substituem a gama de rádios analógicos por rádios de tecnologia superior e com grandes vantagens de qualidade de áudio, cobertura e de duração da bateria, entre outras.
Esta gama de equipamentos incorpora todas as funcionalidades das comunicações analógicas e vem introduzir um conjunto de novas funcionalidades e potenciais aplicações. Além disso, é compatível com os rádios e redes convencionais, permitindo a programação de canais analógicos ou digitais. Desta forma, possibilita a transição gradual de uma infraestrutura analógica para uma digital.
Para mais detalhes sobre as funcionalidades, visite a página Digital Radios Features page. Adicionalmente, as questões mais frequentes estão respondidas na página MOTOTRBO FAQ page.
Advanced Resources offers the full range of MOTOTRBO equipment to ensure your communications. Increase the productivity of your team with Motorola's range of digital products.
Know the specifications of each model in the links presented. In the resources area you can even consult the datasheets of the equipments.
Rádios Motorola Portáteis
Rádios Motorola Portáteis ATEX
Rádios Motorola Móveis
Repetidores Motorola
Independentemente da dimensão do seu negócio, existe um sistema MOTOTRBO adequado à sua realidade. Usufrua de comunicações sem falhas, sem depender de terceiros, com um sistema rádio Motorola otimizado para si.
Listed below are the MOTOTRBO technology systems and their features:
Direct / Conventional Mode
Os equipamentos comunicam em modo direto (rádios comunicam diretamente entre si) ou com recurso a uma estação repetidora.
Direct mode communication:
- Range limited by the transmission power of the terminals
- "radio-to-radio" communication
- Only needs one 12.5kHz channel (which supports two communication channels)
- Allows the use of more channels
- MOTOTRBO Dual Capacity Direct Mode support
- Voice calls, text messages and telemetry
- Terminals operating in analog or digital mode
Using a repeater station:
- Single site with up to 200 users
- Ideal for centralized operations in a building
- Communication quality increased by the use of repeaters
- Improved interference management
- Higher transmission power and sensitivity
- Extended coverage area
- Improvements in error detection and correction
- Application support
- Dynamic Mixed mode allows integration of analog terminals
IP Site Connect
Allows connection of up to 15 repeater stations with up to 200 users.
- Enables communication between different installations
- Communication between sites with difficult access and adverse terrain conditions
- Roaming between sites does not imply changing the communication channel
- Possibility of VPN implementation on IPv4 connection
- Remote control of repeaters using RDAC tool
Capacity Plus (Single Site or Multi Site)
Increase capacity and coverage of a MOTOTRBO system with IP communication between repeater stations. It is the latest version of Linked Capacity Plus mode.
Digital trunking system with the ability to connect up to 15 sites, each with up to 20 voice and data channels, and up to 12 dedicated repeaters. Supports up to 15 sites, each with up to 1600 users.
- Dynamic Trunking - multiple sites connected via IP
- Up to 8 repeaters for voice or data
- Up to 12 additional repeaters for data
- Possibility of VPN implementation on IPv4 connection
- Optional integration with WAVE 3000
Capacity Max
New generation of trunking, compatible with DMR Tier III standard. Scalable solution according to the size of the business.
- Full trunking system, connected via IP
- Dedicated channel for trunking in each site
- Centralized server control
- Optimized routing for traffic and signaling
- Up to 15 repeaters for voice or data
- Up to 6 additional repeaters for data
- Enhanced security
- Possibility of VPN implementation on IPv4 connection
- DMR Tier III compliant